Our Classic Urban Harmony Archives have a lot more than just 50,000 phonograph records. We have hundreds of photos, posters, sheet music, lobby cards and other pieces of memorabilia pertaining to African American popular music of all kinds. Many of our archived pieces are one-of-a-kind. As part of our goal to educate as well as entertain, we do use our archives to plan, set up and curate exhibits of all sizes. We’ve set up everything from small display case library exhibits to major museum exhibitions. With our major exhibits we are available for helping with publicity, guiding private tours and giving curators’ talks.
As all exhibits take considerable time, hard work, research and thorough knowledge of the subject matter, we would like to be fairly compensated for our efforts. Major exhibitions take months to set up and maintain. Each request for an exhibit will be evaluated according to size, location, extent of our involvement and availability of our time.
Please take a look at some of our past library and museum exhibits.