Another incredible night at Roxy & Dukes with great acappella harmony from Still Around and the True Devines. Sunday March 6, 2016, marked the first time we had two acappella groups singing on the same show at the Dunellen NJ night spot. Still Around took the stage first and gave a lively performance, mixing up tempo songs like “Zoom,” “When You Dance,” “My Juanita,” and “I’ll BE Forever Loving You” with smooth ballads including “Congratulations,” “No One But You” and “When I Fall In Love”. Still Around is the resident group at Stu & Pat Pushkin’s NJ Doo Wop Group Harmony Singers Club which meets one Sunday a month at the VFW in East Brunswick NJ. (Follow the Club on their FaceBook.Page) Stu organized Still Around seven years ago and sings with the group. Still Around finished with a Drifters medley and a strong rendition of “Lorraine”.
The True Devines are the latest discovery of Stan Krause, owner of Stan’s Square Record Store (see the FaceBook Page) in Jersey City NJ and the Catamount record label. Over the years, Stan has been one of the key figures in doo wop acappella singing, having discovered and recorded groups like the Persuasions, 14 Karat Soul, the Royal Counts, Vintage, Mixed Company and many more. Stan and his wife were in the audience. The True Devines lived up to our expectations, starting off with “Stormy Weather” and following it with “If I Should Lose You” and a nice bass led rendition of the Spaniels’ “People Will Say We’re In Love”. Other standout songs included “Dee I,” “The Sun” and the Channels’ “You Hurt Me”.
It was a fabulous night of acappella harmony with a nice crowd. In the audience were singers from Re-MemberThen, Quiet Storm. the Del Larks and Copians as well as radio personalities Alan David Stein (WMTR, WCTC) and Jim Bakay (WRDV). Here are some photos of the event. Click on any photo to enlarge it and then click the left or right arrows to see others [Scroll down to watch videos of the event.]